Balance Reports
To generate a report stating the balance dues from the student, go to Billing >> Transactions >> Balance Reports. Search for the student with proper criteria in the student search page.
You will find a list of students with balance report.
Daily Transaction
Daily transaction report shows the transactions taken place for a student for the selected date range. To get the report, Go to Billing >> Reports >> Daily Transaction.
The student search box will appear, search with proper criteria and a student list are retrieved.
Click on a student from the list as shown below.
Transaction details for the particular student will be as shown below.
Payment History
Payment history shows the student’s payment details along with the fee type that was assigned to the student. Go to Billing >> Reports >> Payment History for the report.
The student search box will appear, search with proper criteria and a student list are retrieved with a date range picker. Select the student, set a date range for the payment history details that is needed to view or print and click Print Ledger.
The Report appears in a print format like in the image below.