To set up a school at first you need to create a calendar. To create a calendar, go to School set up >> calendars & click on the + sign to create a new calendar.
Give the calendar name and mark it as the default calendar for the school. The system will automatically fill out the beginning and end dates of the school year that you have provided during installation.
Mark the meeting days of the week for which the school is going to be in session and mark checked to the users who can view the calendar. Hence, the listed users can have a look at the Events & Holidays in their portal.
Once the default calendar is created, each month will be automatically marked as a school day & will appear in light blue color with green check marks, along with the holidays marked as pink.
Creating a Holiday
If you need to mark a day as a holiday, simply uncheck the checkbox for that meeting day with a double click & save it. That day will become pink denoting a holiday.
Create an Event
To add an event on a calendar, click on the (+) sign and a new pop up window will open up. Enter the date, title & notes and save it.
The event information is saved and it will show on the calendar and on the portal page of the selected users.
System Wide Slider Switch
If a system has multiple schools and multiple calendars, then this feature is used to copy an event to all other calendars that are available system wide. Hence, if the system wide slider switch is selected while adding an event, the date becomes the respective event and gets copied in other calendars. So, you don’t need to create it repeatedly.
Delete a Calendar
To delete a Calendar from the school, click on "Delete this Calendar" switch. If the calendar does not have any association (like students or course periods created in it) you will be able to delete it. If the calendar has been associated with the students or course periods, it will show a message stating, “Cannot be deleted because students are enrolled in this calendar".
Edit a Calendar
To edit a Calendar click on "Edit this Calendar" and you are given access to edit the calendar title, check/uncheck default calendar option and select events visible to list as per preferences.