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How to create Subjects, Courses & Course Periods in openSIS

Subjects and Courses

To access this page go to School Setup >> Courses >> Course Manager. You can add as many subjects as you want with just a click on the (+) sign under "No Subject Found" command. Give a Title, and click on Save. Your new subject will be created.

Now, select any subject and click on the (+) sign under ‘No Course found’ command to create a Course within the subject. You will need to fill in the title for the course, a short name and the grade level of the course. You can create unlimited number of courses in this manner.



Course Period

To create course period, select the course and click on the (+) sign under the ‘No Period Found’ command and a course period page will open.




Fill out the Course period details as per requirements. The following are the description of various functionalities in a course period. You need to be careful while filling the details here as it holds great importance while evaluating the final grades, class ranks, etc.

Short Name: a short name/title for the course period;

Calendar: select the calendar to be followed; Primary Teacher: select the teacher for the course period;

Secondary Teacher: select the teacher, if required (since it is not mandatory). It is provisioned to schedule two teachers in a course period;

Seats: number of seats available for the students for this course period;

Grading Scale: any grading scale name that the school system uses;

Credit Hours: if the course period is credit bearing, you must fill in the Credit Hours for the transcripts to show the completed credit hours for a course;

Gender Restriction: mark the desired set of students based on gender (if required) so as to restrict the scheduling of opposite gender students in a desired set of course period;

Parent Period: choose a parent period for this course period so that at the time of scheduling, that parent course period stands compulsory to be scheduled first before this course period. For instance, if there are course periods named Theory (CT) and Practical (CP) under a course named Chemistry, you can mark CT as a parent period in CP course period. Now, at the time of scheduling, if you try to schedule CP first, you’ll be notified to schedule CT instead, as CT is marked parent period in CP course period;

Allow teacher Gradescale: To allow teachers to override the school’s grade scale and to use their own, check this option. Checking this option would allow the teacher to create their own grading scale for the selected course period. Also, Score Rounding can be configured from teacher’s portal if this option is checked;

Course is weighted: check Course is weighted if this course period needs evaluation based on weighted GP value;

Affects Honor Roll: check Affects Honor Roll if you want the course to be counted in the honor roll;

Half Day: When this option is checked, it entitles the student scheduled in this CP to retrieve half day minutes which overwrites the actual CP’s per class minutes when the student attends this CP.

Affects Class Rank: mark the checkbox if you want this course period to be counted for class rank evaluation.

Choose the Duration: you can choose the duration either from the demarcated marking periods or a Custom period range (say a month or some days)

Choose Schedule type: you can choose any of the three options as per the system requirements.




Fixed Schedule: it enables you to choose a selected period for selected number of meeting days that continues in the same routine for the whole duration range that has been marked above. Select a Class room and the Period from the drop down list (the list must be created while setting up the system), check the Meeting Days you want the course period and lastly, to enable the course period for attendance, check the Takes Attendance checkbox. After filling all the details, click Save button in this page and the course period will be created.


Variable Schedule: it enables you to choose periods invariably for all the days in the duration of the course period. Select a Day, Period, Room and check Takes Attendance to validate the course period for marking attendance. Now, click Save and the page refreshes with the entered course period details and alongside will show a (+) sign, beneath the variable schedule, to allow adding of more periods and days similarly.


Enter by Calendar Days:This schedule type lets you to choose selected dates in the chosen duration. For instance, if you have a course period that you don't need it regularly as other learning lessons like a test period, you can enter particular dates by the calendar for that test period. To do so, after filling out the above details, select Enter by Calendar Days and click on Save & Continue button that appears after selection of this schedule type.



Now, the school calendar appears. Choose a date and click on the (+) sign to add that date to the course period.



A new dialogue box opens; enter the period, room name and check attendance and save it. This date gets entered for this course period. Similarly, add as many chosen dates as you require.




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