opemSIS is a OS4Ed product
Every student is a promise

Various Reports on Courses

In openSIS you can generate few important reports on the courses that you always need to run a school. To access the course reports section, go to School Setup >> Courses. Here, you will get the various reports on courses.

Course Catalog

This report gives you the information of courses and course periods. You can generate marking period specific catalog too by selecting the marking period. Also a printed form can be taken out.




Print Catalog by Term

To generate a term specific report go to School Setup >> Course >> Print Catalog by Term. Select the term from the marked dropdown and click on Print.



The report would look like the following




Print Catalog by Grade Level

To generate a Grade Level specific course period report, use this option. Go to School Setup >> Course >> Print Catalog by Grade level. Select the Grade Level from the marked dropdown and click on print.



The report would look like the following




Print all Courses

To print all the course details at once use this option.




The report would look like the following.



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