opemSIS is a OS4Ed product
Every student is a promise

Input Final Grades

Final grades can only be entered within the Grade Posting Period of the particular marking period/term which is set by your administrator.

The teacher can view these dates by clicking School Info >> Marking Periods and selecting the required marking period for its Grade Posting dates.



To input final grades, first select the Subject, Course & Course Period from the top panel of your portal's screen.


Click on the Grades tab and select Input Final Grades and follow one of the following procedures.


Get Gradebook Grades :

Get Gradebook Grades allows you to automatically retrieve the calculated percentage based on assignment grades having impact from the configuration setup from that grading period. Click Get Gradebook Grades to automatically import these values.

Click on Save to automatically assign the appropriate letter grade based on the imported percentage.


Assign Percents

Assign Percents allows you to manually enter percentage grades for each student. Use this option if you do not have grades in the gradebook.

Once you have entered the percentages, you can click on Save to automatically assign the appropriate letter grade based on the entered percentage.





Assign Letters

Assign Letters allows you to manually enter letter grades for each student. Use this option if you do not have grades in the gradebook and do not have a specific percentage grade value.

Once you have entered the letters, you can click on Save to automatically assign the average percentage grade based on the entered letter.






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