Set up activities
To load new set of activities, click in the sequence - Extracurricular>>Setup>>Activities.
Set up Entry Times
‘Entry Times’ option lets you set the timeframe for the teacher to enter the activity’ eligibility on the teacher portal. For example, (as mentioned in the image below) if the time is set for Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 16:00 hours, the teacher is permitted to enter the eligibility criteria for students based on activities during that timeframe only, till the activity lasts.
Go to Extracurricular>>Setup>>Entry Times.
To Enter Extracurricular eligibility from Teacher Portal
After setting up the entry times & the activities, the teacher has to log in to the teacher portal and go to Extracurricular >> Enter Extracurricular. From here the teacher can select the students who all are eligible to join the activity. Teachers can also use the scores from gradebook grades.