opemSIS is a OS4Ed product
Every student is a promise

Exempting scores of an Assignment

If a student is not applicable in any assignment, that specific assignment can be exempted from the total points in openSIS. This feature is used when a student has joined the course later or is absent due to illness or for any reason based on the administrator's decision.

To exempt a student from an assignment, go to Grades >> Gradebook >> Grades and select the student.


Now, enter asterisk(*) instead of entering any score for the particular assignment and save it.


For the selected student the asterisk marked assignment scores will become N/A.


The exempted assignment will not affect the total scores & the final grades.


The total score appears differently for the student with exempted assignment than other students. Student with exempted score for an assignment now appears 100 in point total whereas other students have their point total as 200.

Similarly, the exempted scores have the same impact on the final grades when evaluated.


In openSIS, exempted assignments list gets created under the Anomalous feature for the further reference of the teachers. Go to Grades > Gradebook > Anomalous and the details will appear.



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