opemSIS is a OS4Ed product
Every student is a promise

View School Information, Marking Periods and School Calendar

In openSIS, teachers have the ability to view various information of the school like the school details, school's marking periods, calendar, etc. 

School Information

After logging in to the teacher’s portal, from the menu panel select School Info >> School Information. This section displays the basic details of the school that has been saved by the administrator.



Marking Periods

Marking Period information lets the teacher be aware of the course period's duration, the grade posting period if the term is graded, exam and comments are enabled or not and referring to these helps teacher in keeping up with the assignments against each course period. Select School Info >> Marking Periods to view all the school year terms.

The marking periods appear in a hierarchical form and hence, on clicking on the parent marking period a child marking period appears. The school year is broken down to 3 levels. 




Calendar allows a complete view of the events or holidays marked by the administrator or the assignments added by teacher themselves. Go to School Info >> Calendar to view the monthly view of the calendar. As per the need, month, year and calendar can be changed from the drop-down menu as well event list can be viewed by clicking on List Events.




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