opemSIS is a OS4Ed product
Every student is a promise

When can a teacher input final grades for custom date-ranged course period

Unlike course periods in fixed marking periods, grade posting period for custom date-ranged course period differs in openSIS. Since custom duration is a user choice and it may vary with each course period, openSIS automatically considers a generic grade posting period for such courses, i.e. 

Grade posting begins date = 5 days prior to custom duration's end date, and

Grade posting ends date = School's full year end date. 

For instance, 

A course period that is created for a duration of 20 days in the month of Septemper, say sept 1st - sept 20th, and the school's fully year is set from January 1st - December 31st. The teacher assigned to this course period will be able to input final grades for students from Sept 15th till Dec 31st. 


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